Saturday, October 26 Crossfit members and nutrition challengers got to experience a tour of Tin Roof Ranch, a beautiful, organic farm located on the North Shore. The farm is the only Ranch on Oahu that sells organic, pasture raised chicken and eggs farm direct. Gary and Luann Casey run the farm, along with help from their neighbors and friends. 
Throughout the tour we got to see how they use worm castings and compost tea to help organically grow their plants.
We got to see the beautiful diversity of the different foods they grow on their farm.    

We also got to learn about their unique water catchment system, where they catch enough rain water to water all their plants! Along with chickens, they also raise lamb for meat. 

We got to see and hear about their techniques for raising their meat birds, along with chickens used for eggs. Not only are the chickens grass and organically fed, but also they have so much more room to roam around! 

Luann's Chickens

Tyson Chicken Farm

Following the tour, we had the opportunity to buy eggs, and enjoy a delicious spread of fruit and banana muffins, and got to talk story with Luann and her friends about the process of running your own farm, healthy lifestyles and eating habits, and GMO’s. Luann and her farm are doing a great job increasing awareness and education of growing your own food, and buying local, organic, grass-fed meat.

If you are interested in purchasing from Luann you can contact her from her website, You can also find her delicious eggs from Kokua Market. Stay tuned for more information coming up for our next Farm Tour!

6/15/2022 01:32:29 am

Thanks forr this blog post


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